Join Our Crew...

At Süco's we aim to create a space where you can be yourself, be creative, and make people beautiful. A passion for hair and beauty and an understanding that amazing customer service is a must!

We strive for a team atmosphere, while supporting you in building your own business. A flexible schedule that fits your lifestyle is so important, and being able to create an income that you are proud of is key.

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Team Atmosphere...

Working as a collective is very important at Süco's. We spend most of our day together and share a lot of our life experiences with each other. The relationships we create and the trust that is built is essential to running a smooth business.

Working together to get things done between clients and sharing our knowledge with each other along the way is an amazing aspect of being in a salon. The creativeness that we can share is essential for learning the basics and the new trends that come along each year.

We are very careful with who we bring in to the salon. Those who are unmotivated, negative or don't care to connect with the rest of the group won't be invited to join our crew. You can have peace of mind in knowing that if you choose to work with us you'll love the stylists working to your left and your right.

Flexible Schedule...

We believe you work to live, but shouldn't live to work! A flexible schedule is key to a happy life. We all have such active lifestyles that it's important to be able to get all our favorite activities in while still being able to cater to our clients.

When renting a chair you have 7 days to create your ideal schedule around. Our operating hours are from 10am-10pm, if you decide to stay that late in the day.

Customer Service...

Our customers are the most important part of the whole equation. Whether they are your client or the stylists' next to you. All clients should be greeted with respect and a smile, you should be ready to spoil your clients rotten.

Our main goal as a stylist is to create a relaxing and safe environment for our clients to settle into while they are in the salon. Our goal is to make them feel heard and to make a plan that will get them to their dream hair.

We provide, towels, capes, backbar, retail for sale, station products, choices of tea and water and a selection of shared use clips, tint brushes, bowls and whisks for your use. 


You'll love welcoming your guests to our inviting salon space.

Ready To Chat?

Send an email with resume and some photos of your work to and I'll be in touch.

Your information will be kept fully confidential

~ Diana Foster, salon owner

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